Bailey Lowe

Tree Oils Spotlight

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Tree oils and conifer oils are some of our favorites - deep, woodsy and full of incredible health benefits! Whether you are looking for healthy skin and hair, support for your heart and circulatory system, a companion for yoga and meditation or a deep breath of fresh air, these crisp woodsy oils are what you need.



  • Have a clean, evergreen aroma
  • Support healthy circulation and heart health
  • Promotes the appearance of healthy-looking hair and skin
  • Are great companions for dry brushing and lymphatic health
  • Help soothe and support muscles, especially after workouts or strain
  • Create a grounding atmosphere when diffused

Tree and conifer oils are key ingredients in some of our favorite blends like Grounding, R.C., and Aroma Siez to name a few, and an ingredient in our beloved Raindrop roller! (more on that below) They are calming and grounding and wonderful on the skin.


  • Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho Grand Fir, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cypress, Cedarwood, Blue Cypress, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, Juniper, Pine, Palo Santo, Evergreen Essence, Believe, Sacred Mountain
  • Tree oils are also key ingredients in some of our favorite products including Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil, BLOOM essential oil serum and skincare line, and Breathe Again Roll-on as well as muscle supporting supplements like AgilEase and PowerGize.

BACKGROUND Most of the tree oils have a long history of use as a construction material due to their durability and stability. The oils can be steam distilled from the branches, wood, needles, bark or leaves of the plant to produce an incredible essential oil!

Tree oils in general are wonderful for supporting our bodies during times of inflammation. Because they are high in alpha-pinene, they support the body's natural response to injury and stress, allowing our bodies to be soothed and to recover in the face of acute needs. This is especially true of spruce, cedar, cypress and pine oils!

KEY CONSTITUENTS Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Alpha-pinene: a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
  • Limonene: known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
  • Camphene: some studies may show that this constituent supports cardiovascular health, may help reduce pain and inflammation, support the body's defenses to fungal infections

EMOTIONAL SUPPORT WITH TREE OILS Tree oils are calming and grounding and wonderful for releasing stored emotions. They help ease feelings of loss and create a sense of security, much like being out in a forest helps soothe our spirit. These oils can help to heal emotional trauma, calm the body, relieve anger and simply help life flow better.

These oils are a great option to diffuse for any kiddos having trouble with transitions, new schools, big changes and are helpful when dealing with emotional trauma and anger.

Some tree oils like Cypress, also help the body detox naturally and promote production of leukocytes (white blood cells) which boosts the body's natural defenses. Emotional health is directly affected by how we feel physically and Cypress, Spruce and Pine can specifically help with that.

  • Rub on wrists and feet to keep up energy
  • Take a detox bath with one or all of these oils and Epsom salts
  • Take them to a massage with you and you will benefit from even more soothing of your muscles and it will help with the detoxing too.


  • Apply to your wrists, neck, or ear lobes during yoga, meditation, or prayer (Palo Santo is great for this).
  • Use Pine in your daily wellness roller or apply on its own over lymph nodes.
  • Add Sandalwood to your daily moisturizer for dry skin.
  • Use with Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil for dry brushing and massage for smooth, silky skin and lymphatic health (Cypress is especially great for this!).
  • Use with Relaxation Massage Oil for soothing tired, cramping legs and feet at bedtime (a pregnancy favorite!)

Diffuse tree oils at bedtime to promote rest.

  • Man Cave: 5 drops Sandalwood + 3 drops Tangerine + 4 drops Lemon
  • Fresh & Clean: 6 drops Lushious Lemon + 4 drops Cypress
  • Anthro Volcano Candle: 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Tangerine + 2 drops each Geranium, Lime
  • Cabin in the Woods: 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 3 drops Pine + 3 drops Cinnamon Bark + 3 drops Orange
  • Zen Space: 4 drops each Palo Santo, Frankincense + 3 drops Lavender

Add a few drops to a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, to create a natural beard oil.

  • To a 2oz glass dropper bottle add:
  • 15 drops tree oil of choice
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • Optional: 10 drops Shutran or Idaho Blue Spruce
  • Fill with Jojoba or Grapeseed oil
  • Apply to beard and skin and gently massage to keep the hair and skin happy and healthy.

Make a cologne roller:

  • To a 10mL roller bottle add:
  • 10 drops each Cypress, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 5 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Fill with carrier of choice
  • Give tired muscles some TLC with a simple bath soak. Mix 1 cup Epsom salt with 10 drops of desired oil(s) and soak as desired. This is also great to do when you're feeling a bit stuffy!

Make this Dry Skin Bath Soak! Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children.

Whip up this DIY Breathe Easy Massage Oil to use after hitting the gym:

  • 4oz pump or dropper bottle
  • 10-20 drops each Idaho Blue Spruce, Pine, Lemon, Cypress
  • Fill with V-6 Vegetable Complex
  • Massage onto problem areas as desired.
  • Add to your laundry soap and wool dryer balls for fresh laundry.